Adam Carnwath

Adam Carnwath of Dundee United was born on 5 January 2006 (age 18)

Adam Carnwath, hailing from Scotland and born on the 5th of January, 2006, marks his presence in the football world at the ripe age of 18. As a professional footballer, Carnwath has established himself as a dominant force in the midfield, applying his prowess primarily in the role of a central attacking midfielder. His current allegiance lies with Dundee United, a club that saw fit to honour him with the number 48 jersey.

This player profile is regularly updated with the help of AI. Last updated 16 December 2024. Send feedback

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Cen Att Mid
Primary Position
Squad Number
5 January 2006 (age 18)
Date of Birth
Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
Country of Birth
Dundee United

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