Adam Hrdina

Adam Hrdina

Adam Hrdina of Slovan Bratislava was born on 12 February 2004 (age 20)

Adam Hrdina, hailing from Slovakia, was born on the 12th of February 2004 making him 20 years of age at this time. This formidable player occupies the goalkeeping position for his present team, Slovan Bratislava, and can be identified on the pitch by his number 35 jersey. With a height of 6 feet 4 inches (approximately 1.94m) and weighing in at 12 stone 3 pounds (roughly 78kg), Hrdina presents an imposing figure in the goal.

His current market worth is estimated to be around £190,000 as per the figures provided by Transfermarkt. It's worth noting that Hrdina's tenure with Slovan Bratislava is drawing nearer to its end, with a contract set to expire on the 31st of May 2025, just a mere 9 months from now.

This player profile is regularly updated with the help of AI. Last updated 19 September 2024. Send feedback

Adam Hrdina stats

Check out all of the statistics about Adam Hrdina.

Primary Position
1.94m (6ft 4in)
Squad Number
78kg (12st 3lb)
12 February 2004 (age 20)
Date of Birth
Slovakia 🇸🇰
Country of Birth
Slovan Bratislava
£194k (via Transfermarkt)
Market Value
31 May 2025 (9m)
Contract Expires

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