Greg Petrie

Greg Petrie of Dundee United was born on 23 May 2006 (age 18)

Boasting a tale echoing the traditional Scottish football journey, Greg Petrie is a rising star to keenly watch. Born in the long-shadowy valleys of Scotland, on the 23rd of May, 2006, the mere span of eighteen years have seen this lad skillfully defend not just balls, but the hopes of his team – Dundee United, where he serves as a central defender, championing the number 43 jersey.

Carrying the heavy burden of any defence position, whilst still dawning the blush of youth, Petrie's career is yet at its pivotal turn. Having until now kept his boots mainly on Scottish turf, it would be riveting to see how this solid defender expands his skill set onto the larger European canvas.

This player profile is regularly updated with the help of AI. Last updated 16 December 2024. Send feedback

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Central Defender
Primary Position
Squad Number
23 May 2006 (age 18)
Date of Birth
Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
Country of Birth
Dundee United

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