Jacques Bomo, originally hailing from Cameroon and born on 2 October 2005, makes a name for himself as an assertive midfielder in the world of football. As a central midfielder for Young Boys Bern, Bomo stands tall at 6ft (approximately 1.85m) and bears a weight of 12st 8lb (around 80kg). This 19-year old prominently sports the number 65 jersey on the field, lending an easily recognizable number to his reliable presence.
Quoting Transfermarkt, the market value of this substantial talent hovers around £83k, precisely calculated after considering the current economic scenario in the football sector. An intriguing detail about Bomo's contract with Young Boys Bern is that it's set to terminate on 30 June 2025, leaving just half a year left to run. This gives rise to speculation about the future of this rising star in the football scene.