Paul Nsio

Paul Nsio of Rangers was born on 15 March 2006 (age 18)

Paul Nsio, a name most of us Celts have heard whispered through the winds of late, was birthed into existence on the 15th of March in the not-so-iconic year of 2006. Yes, dear reader, at a tender age of 18 years, our England-born prodigy is darting about in the midfield, primarily, might I add, in the central waves of that stormy terrains. Naturally, he pitches for the Rangers, not a point of particular pride if you ask any self-respecting Hoops supporter but that's not our immediate concern, is it?

Adding insult to injury, if I may utilise a footballing cliché, young Nsio affronts our sense of decency by donning the number 55 jersey. Again, noteworthy for those with a raw nerve set to twitch at such audacious numerals. If we must add salt, the lad has a contract tenure with Rangers that boasts (or is it looms?) a term of one year and a half, set to tragically retire its course on the timeless day of 31 May 2026.

In typical Ranger fashion, the exact details of this contract are kept locked away in a silent vault, likely situated deep in the bowels of Ibrox. One can only muse upon its contents in the idle half-light of a slow news day; the temptation of investigative verdicts set aside for those of a less sceptical nature.

Remember, folks, all of this information comes with that beautiful hint of salt that we die-hard Celts have been nourished on for so long. Lifelong scepticism is the burden of the well-informed football fan. Indeed, the game of football would simply be a well-intentioned kick about without it.

This player profile is regularly updated with the help of AI. Last updated 12 December 2024. Send feedback

Paul Nsio stats

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Centre Midfield
Primary Position
Squad Number
15 March 2006 (age 18)
Date of Birth
England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
Country of Birth
31 May 2026 (1y 6m)
Contract Expires

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